
var releaseTools = require('./lib/main');
var Step = require('step');

This Jakefile exposes the following tasks using the releasetools package:

jake release:bump      # Bump version in package.json
jake release:build     # Build the new package version
jake release:site      # Create the public site  
jake release:publish   # Publish to GitHub and NPM
  • release:bump method only increases the version number in the package.json

  • release:build updates the changelog, the contributors files and creates the annotated examples HTML files

  • release:site updates the package public site, with the new version information

  • release:publish commits everything to git, creates the git release tag, pushes to GitHub and publishes the package to NPM

Customize example files to document via docco

  examplePaths: [

Test task

This task executes the package tests by calling the standard npm test command

desc("execute tests");
task("test",function() {
  var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
  var child = spawn('npm', ['test']);
  console.log('executing the tests...');
  child.stderr.on('data', function(stderr) {
  child.stdout.on('data', function(stdout) {
  child.on('exit', function(code) {
    if (code !== 0) {
    } else {
}, true);

Namespace with all the release related tasks

namespace('release', function() {

Build task

  desc('Modify the working copy with all the release information');
  task('build', ['test'], function(releaseType) {

Update Changelog

It updated the History.md file with all the commit messages since last package release (detected by last created tag).

      function() {
        console.log('Updating History.md file...');

Update Contributors

It overwrites the AUTHORS file with all the GIT commiters

      function(err) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('Updating AUTHORS file...');

Create examples

It converts all the specified example files to HTML files with inline annotated comments, using Docco

      function(err) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('creating examples documentation...');
      function(err) {
        if (err) fail();
        else complete();
  }, true);

Create site task

  desc('Create the public site');
  task('site', function(releaseType) {

Create site

It creates the docs/ folder with the following contents: * All the assets in site/javascripts and site/stylesheets * The site/index.html skeleton file with the contents of the specified markdown files

    console.log('Creating the public site page...');
    releaseTools.createSite(function(err) {
      if (err) fail();
      else complete();
  }, true);

Publish task

  desc('Publish to GitHub and NPM the new version');
  task('publish', ['test'] ,function() {

Check if the History.md is modified (to ensure that the release:build task has been already executed)

      function() {
        releaseTools.isWorkingCopyClean('History.md', this);

Commit to Git

Makes the commit and creates the tag

      function(err, result) {
        if (err) throw('Error while checking if the git tree is clean: ' + err);
        if (result) throw('You must run jake release:build before publish');
        console.log('Bumping version and creating git tag...');

Update gh-pages branch

If the branch does not exist, it creates it with the contents of the docs/ folder. If it already exists it copies the new contents of the docs/ folder into the branch

      function(err) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('Merging changes into gh-pages branch...');

Push to GitHub

It just does a git push origin

      function(err) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('Pushing changes to GitHub...');

Publish to NPM

The same as npm publish

      function(err) {
        if (err) throw err;
        console.log('Publishing NPM package...');
        if (err) fail(err);
        else complete();
  }, true);

Update package.json task

It accepts a parameter which can be patch, minor or major and then upgrades the version in the package.json file based on the Semantic Versioning Spec. If no parameter is specified, it uses patch.

  desc('Bump version in package.json');
  task('bump', function(releaseType) {
    releaseType = releaseType || 'patch';
    console.log('Bumping version in package.json...');
    releaseTools.updateVersionInPackageJson(releaseType, function(err, oldVersion, newVersion) {
      if (err) {
        fail('Error while updating version in package.json: ' + err);
      console.log(oldVersion + ' --> ' + newVersion);
  }, true);

desc('Default task is test');
task('default', ['test'], function(){}, true);