Ok... creating a blog and start talking about how you have created it looks a little bit useless... but at least this is much more useful than a Hello World post, so in this first post I'm going to explain a little bit how I set up everything.

Choosing Jekyll as a blog system

Instead of using a more classic blog system like Wordpress or Drupal, I decided to try Jekyll, which is a static site generator written in Ruby. It does not require any DB and it doesn't have any dynamic generated page: it just parses a set of plain text files that contain the posts and templates and generates static HTML files that can be served with any Web Server.

There is a lot of info on the net about Jekyll, you can find out more about it in its official wiki.

Jekyll has a lot of advantages (and some disadvantages, also), those are the ones that made me choose it:

Posts are Markdown files

As I said above, Jekyll gets the blog contents from regular text files. Those text files can have HTML code, Textile or Markdown.

I've been using Markdown lately, and I find it very simple, super-easy to learn and very readable, so in my opinion it's the best format for writing blog posts.

It's customizable

As Jekyll creates the static HTML pages by just inserting the posts inside some defined templates, so I can create line-by-line the HTML of the pages very easily.

This is cool, I don't have to modify some thousand-lines-html-templates with complex structures and tons of config parameters (the same applies to those insane CSS files) anymore.

GitHub hosting

Well, it turns out that GitHub pages support Jekyll, so just by creating a GIT repository with a Jekyll blog, GitHub automatically creates all the blog static pages and each time I push new code, the blog is regenerated... an awesome hosting for free!

GIT workflow for blogging

It's awesome to have all my posts on regular text files inside a GIT repository, so every time I push my last commits I am publishing my pending posts.

I can even create branches for writing drafts, notes, or just vague ideas about possible future posts, and once I finish writing the post I merge to master and voilĂ : the post is published.

No web interface

I write my posts using TextMate or VIM, and publish them using the command line via GIT, this is my regular workflow when I develop so I'm very comfortable with it.

I can do everything while offline and I can automate some tasks thanks to ZSH scripts or GIT commands.


Ok, now let's talk about real stuff... Those are the basic steps I followed to create this blog,

Creating the templates

This was actually the easiest part, I just created the main layout in _layouts/default.html and a layout for the posts in _layout/post.html, which inherits from the main layout. Jekyll uses the Liquid template engine, which has the following beautiful format:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>{{ page.title }}</title>
    {{ content }}
    <ul class="posts_list">
      {% for post in site.posts %}
        {% include post.html %}
      {% endfor %}

You can check both templates in my GitHub repository: _layouts/

Code highlighting

Liquid automatically parses source code and highlights it when it finds the highlight tag:

{% highlight javascript %}
  }, 100);
{% endhighlight %}

But when I was creating the blog, the last version of Liquid was the 2.3.0, which had a bug on code highlighting that made it crash, so I had two options:

Obviously, I chose the second option ;) To change the markdown parser in Jekyll, I had to add a new config parameter in the Jekyll _config.yml file:

markdown: redcarpet

Adding comments

As Jekylls creates static pages for the blog, it doesn't provide comments on the posts. So I found 3 different options to solve the issue:

At the end I opted for DISQUS, because it provides all the functionality that I need. Even though I don't really like its UI and I had to tweak some of its CSS classes to make it fit properly in the design... So maybe in the future I switch to another commenting system

Other fun stuff

I wanted to have a way to list all the posts with a certain tag, and to accomplish it I needed to create a static page for every tag, which would look like this:

layout: default
title: Thoughts by rafeca
<h1>Thoughts by rafeca</h1>
<h2>Posts in category "git"</h2>
<ul class="posts_list">
  {% for post in site.categories.git %}
    {% include post.html %}
  {% endfor %}

To create all those pages I used a Rake task (Rake is a build library for Ruby). I opted to use Rake because Jekyll is written in Ruby, so this way I could access natively to the Jekylls API to get the list of tags.

This is the Rake task that I'm using (it's a slightly modified version of this Gist):

desc 'Generate tag pages'
task :tags do
  puts "Generating tag pages..."
  require 'jekyll'

  options = Jekyll.configuration({})
  site = Jekyll::Site.new(options)
  site.categories.sort.each do |category, posts|
    html = ''
    html << <<-HTML
layout: default
title: Thoughts by rafeca
<h1>Thoughts by rafeca</h1>
<h2>Posts in category "#{category}"</h2>

<ul class="posts_list">
  {% for post in site.categories.#{category} %}
    {% include post.html %}
  {% endfor %}
    File.open("tag/#{category}.html", 'w+') do |file|
      file.puts html
    puts 'tag/#{category}.html generated!'
  puts 'Done!'

As you can see I'm iterating over all the Jekyll categories and creating the HTML file for each category. Pretty simple, huh?

So, this way the only thing I have to do before committing a new post is to execute the Rake task:

$ rake tags
Generating tag pages...
Configuration from _config.yml
tag/blog.html generated!
tag/git.html generated!
tag/markdown.html generated!
tag/ruby.html generated!


Now I can write my posts using VIM, and publish them via the command line with GIT, this way I feel much more comfortable while writing, and I hope this will help me write more and keep the blog updated :)

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